Coming to Canada ?
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{ Regina Time: Thursday 13th February 2025 }

Canada is a land of opportunity. Throughout Canada’s history, millions of immigrants have helped build Canada. Canada welcomes people from more than 180 countries each year. Many different cultural and ethnic groups live and work in harmony in Canada. Canada has been consistently voted the best country by the United Nations. The Canadian Multiculturalism Act recognizes cultural diversity. All Canadians are free to maintain and share their cultural heritage and to participate fully and equally in the national life.

Canada is one of the few countries in the world with an active program for permanent immigration One out of every, six Canadian residents was born outside the country. Directly or indirectly, immigration policy has touched the lives of every Canadian and it has helped to make Canada a culturally rich, prosperous and progressive nation. The immigration program is universal—CIC uses the same criteria to assess applicants from around the world irrespective of their race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion or sex.

The only people originally from Canada are the Aboriginal peoples. They lived in Canada for thousands of years before the first immigrants came here. The Aboriginal peoples are an important part of Canada’s population. They are working to protect and promote their languages, cultures and traditions, and to set up their own governments.

Canada is a very large country with an area of 10 million square kilometers, but it has a fairly small population. About 31 million people live here. Canada has 10 provinces and three territories. Each province and territory has its own capital city.

In a country as large and diverse as Canada, equality is very important. It is so important that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is part of its Constitution. In Canada, we also believe in the importance of working together and helping one another.

English and French are Canada’s two official languages. English- and French-speaking people have lived together in Canada for more than 300 years. This is an important part of Canadian identity—more than 98 percent of Canadians speak either English or French or both. You must be able to speak English or French to become a Canadian Citizen.

Legal documents like the Canadian Constitution and the Official Languages Act protect the rights of individual Canadians with regard to official languages. For example,

  • English and French have equal status in the Parliament of Canada, in federal courts and in all federal institutions;
  • everyone has the right to a criminal trial in either English or French;
  • the public has the right, where there is sufficient demand, to receive federal government services in either English or French; and
  • official language minority groups in most provinces and territories have the right to be educated in their language.

Canada’s economy is made up of many different industries. There are three main types of industries in Canada: natural resources, manufacturing and services.

Natural resource industries include forestry, fishing, agriculture, mining and energy. These industries have played an important part in the country’s history and development. Today, the economy of many areas of the country still depends on developing natural resources.

Manufacturing industries make products to sell in Canada and around the world. Manufactured products include paper, technological equipment, automobiles, food, clothing and many other goods. Our largest international trading partner is the United States.

Service industries provide thousands of different jobs in areas like transportation, education, health care, construction, banking, communications and government. More than 70 percent of working Canadians now have jobs in service industries

Canada is one of the developed countries in the world. It could be a place for you and your family.

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